Friday, September 14, 2012

Whats your plan?

Am I the only one that seems to struggle with this concept?? I always have to be reminded that it is not always what I want that is his will.In fact most of the time  it's not his will at all , sometimes I think he finds it amusing how stubborn I can be trying to make something go the way I want it too. I'm probably like those little kids you see with the child leashes at the store so they don't run off yet some not all of them still try to see how far they can get ! I can see it... I'm going for what I think is what I need to do and he's laughing going you can keep trying but your not going to get much further than what I allow you too I don't want you here I want you somewhere else eventually you will realize. Sure enough after awhile I realize okay this is not working time to try something new. It's definitely something I need to work on but how do you know whether its gods will or not ?  any opinions ??


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