Saturday, September 22, 2012

So I fell of the face of the earth for a min...but no worries I'm a okay!

Hey, just a little inspiration to brighten my upcoming day  and yours as well! So while I fell if the face of the earth I lived in the library for however long its been from the last time I posted studying for the psychology test that I was so worried about in the last post! in that time to I also took the test that i thought was 50 questions and turn out to be a whopping 93 questions..blah! I think I got a decent grade but it was definitely not what I had expected at all !Something else that has been on my mind a lot lately is "feeling good in your own skin" personally right now I'm not feeling too good in fact I hate my skin! In high school my senior year I lost a lot of weight due to diet change and exercising more! I felt great when i went away for my two years of college in GA I gained every bit back plus more! it stinks and sometimes I let it get to me more than I should! But I'm making a huge life change because of it and I think it's going to be good for me !Although I'm not trying to be skinny just healthy and fit to many girls these days wanna be a size zero. If your healthy and a size zero that's great but a lot of girls aren't meant to be that small. society has built this picture in girls heads that this is how it has to be but it does not have to be that! I'm thinking about starting a verse of the day on here and every once in awhile give you guys updates on my life and journey ! This post is kinda random but I haven't post in so long I had to make one! lol :) tomorrow's Sunday fun day!! heck ya!!

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